Mar 14 9:23 AM

A Short Biblical Theology of Resurrection

Mar 14 9:23 AM
Mar 14 9:23 AM

As the closing words of the Nicene Creed remind us, Christianity has always affirmed that believers should, “Look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and to life in the world to come.” The two clauses in this ancient creed contain two critical and related ideas of our Christian hope: resurrection and life in the world to come. 

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Mar 14 9:19 AM

The Resurrection of Jesus: What Actually Happened?

Mar 14 9:19 AM
Mar 14 9:19 AM

Let’s put ourselves in the shoes (sandals) of Peter on that first Easter Sunday. What happened and what could it mean for us? In this article, we are going to consider the evidence regarding the resurrection of Jesus. If it didn’t happen, then its game over for our faith because the foundation for everything we believe is a hoax. However, if Jesus really did rise from the dead, then it changes everything and it’s game on for all things hopeful, joyful and peaceful! 

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