Welcome to The Preschool Blog

We hope that these following weekly resources will provide an online option for you and your family to stay consistent.  These resources are what your preschoolers experience on a weekly basis, so we are excited for you as parents to take part with your child!

Oct 9 5:02 PM


Oct 9 5:02 PM
Oct 9 5:02 PM


“God is with you wherever you go.” –Joshua 1:9, NLT

Bottom Line: God's got it. 

This week: Moses' mom hides him in a basket, and God sends the Princess of Egypt to take care of him.

Core Insight: CONNECTION


Discipleship Kit:

  • Parent Guide – Use this parent guide to help you walk through discipling your preschooler this week
  • Story Video – Each week there will be a new Story Video to watch (from Orange Media)
  • Memory Verse Song –  Your preschooler will learn this month’s memory verse along with hand signals


  • Home Connection
    • NEED: Activity Page, scissors, glue and crayons
    • DO: Review the Bible story together and assist the children in gluing their story pictures in the designated area under the umbrella on their page.
    • SAY: “Come sit with me. I have something special for us to do together. We’re going to glue Moses’ story pictures under this umbrella!” (Give each child a set of story pictures and a copy of “God’s Got It Moses Umbrella.”) (Hold up story picture #1.) “I want you to find this story picture. In the Bible story today, the mean Pharaoh wanted to hurt all the baby boys. Moses’ mom made a special basket. She put baby Moses in it. Then, she and Moses’ sister, Miriam, carried Moses and hid him in the tall grass by the river. Glue this story picture in the first box on your page. (Hold up story picture #2.) “Now, find this story picture and hold it up. Moses’ mom told Miriam to watch him so she would know what happened. Miriam did what her mom told her to do, and she watched her baby brother, Moses. Glue this story picture in the next box on your page.” (Hold up story picture #3.) “Okay, hold up the last story picture. The princess came down to the river, and she found baby Moses. The princess wanted to help Moses. Miriam ran up to the princess and asked if she needed help. When the princess said she did, Miriam got her mom. Moses very own mom got to help take care of him! Glue this story picture in the last box on your page. Moses’ mommy knew that God takes care of us, and no matter what happens, [Bottom Line] God’s got it. God takes care of you and me, too. No matter what happens, [Bottom Line] God’s got it! So when I ask you, ‘Who’s got it?’, I want you to say, [Bottom Line] ‘God’s got it.’ Let me hear you. Who’s got it? [Bottom Line] God’s got it! Yay, [Bottom Line] God’s got it!”
  • Drive Time
    • Get a small basket and put some snacks in it for your child to have when they return from a walk or a drive. When you get home, tell them they can eat the snacks you put in the basket. Talk about how baby Moses' mommy put him in a basket to keep him safe. God sent the Princess of Egypt to help take care of him.
  • Weekly Activities
  • Parent Cue Blog:"Your Kids May Be Your Everything, But They Can’t Be Your Only Thing" by Stephanie Thomas



We’d love to connect with you on our social media accounts and see how your experience with your preschoolers is going. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram and then tag us in your photos and posts.
