Welcome to The Preschool Blog

We hope that these following weekly resources will provide an online option for you and your family to stay consistent.  These resources are what your preschoolers experience on a weekly basis, so we are excited for you as parents to take part with your child!

5.9.21- JONAH
May 7 5:07 PM

5.9.21- JONAH

May 7 5:07 PM
May 7 5:07 PM


"God’s way is perfect.” 2  Samuel 22:31 NIrV

Bottom Line:God’s way is perfect.

This week: Jonah learns the hard way that he should go God's way when he is swallowed by a huge fish. Jonah 1:1-3:10

Core Insight: TRUTH


Discipleship Kit:

  • Parent Guide – Use this parent guide to help you walk through discipling your preschooler this week
  • Story Video – Each week there will be a new Story Video to watch (from Orange Media)
  • Memory Verse Song –  Your preschooler will learn this month’s memory verse along with hand signals


  • Home Connection
    • NEED: Activity Pages & crayons
    • DO: Point out Jonah at the bottom of the page and the “Nineveh” sign at the top. Talk about how Jonah didn’t want to go God’s way at first but eventually he did! He chose to go to Nineveh! Encourage the children to trace the lines with their crayons from Jonah to the Nineveh sign at the top of the page.
    • SAY: “Do you see Jonah at the bottom of the page? When God first asked Jonah to go to Nineveh, did he go God’s way? (Pause.) NO! Jonah didn’t go God’s way. But after a trip in the opposite direction, and some time inside the belly of a fish, Jonah decided to go to Nineveh. Jonah learned that he should go God’s way. So, let’s use our crayons to trace the lines to get Jonah to the Nineveh sign right here at the top of the page. Great job, friends! Let’s make sure your names are on your pages and we’ll set them right over here for you to take home. When you show these off at home, let’s tell everyone about how we should go God’s way. Why? Because [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect. Whose way is perfect? [Bottom Line] God’s way is perfect!”
  • Drive Time
    • As you drive or take a walk, tell your child which way you need to go in order to get where you're going. Ask your child what would happen if you went the wrong way. (You would not get where you need to go.) Talk about how God's way is perfect. That means God's way is never ever wrong. God's way will always be the best way and will get us where God wants us to go.
  • Weekly Activities
  • Parent Cue Blog:"Calm in the Chaos: How to Create a Peaceful Home" with Sarah Bragg


We’d love to connect with you on our social media accounts and see how your experience with your preschoolers is going. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram and then tag us in your photos and posts.
