Welcome to The Preschool Blog

We hope that these following weekly resources will provide an online option for you and your family to stay consistent.  These resources are what your preschoolers experience on a weekly basis, so we are excited for you as parents to take part with your child!

7.18.21- ARMOR OF GOD
Jul 16 5:08 PM

7.18.21- ARMOR OF GOD

Jul 16 5:08 PM
Jul 16 5:08 PM


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” Proverbs 3:5, NIV

Bottom Line: I can trust God.

This week: Paul teaches about the armor of God and how God gives it to us to help us stand strong. Ephesians 6:10-17



Discipleship Kit:

  • Parent Guide – Use this parent guide to help you walk through discipling your preschooler this week
  • Story Video – Each week there will be a new Story Video to watch (from Orange Media)
  • Memory Verse Song –  Your preschooler will learn this month’s memory verse along with hand signals


  • Home Connection
    • NEED: Activity Page, aluminum foil, glue, scissors & sharpie
    • DO: Copy Activity page and cut aluminum foil into pieces a little larger than the shields. Encourage the children to glue the foil on their shield. Write this month’s Bible verse on the front.
    • SAY: “We’re going to make a shield. Glue the foil to the shield cutout. (Pause.) Super! Now, let’s add the memory verse. (Pause.) Hold up your shields and say the memory verse with me. ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart,’ Proverbs 3:5. (Repeat.) Nice job, friends!”We learned in our Bible story that God gives us armor to put on each day to help us remember to trust God and go His way. A helmet is worn on a soldier’s head. It helps us remember that Jesus is our friend forever. A breastplate is worn on a soldier’s chest. When we choose to go God’s way, it’s like we wear a breastplate to protect our hearts. A shield is held up to block a soldier from things that might hurt them. God says when we trust Him, it’s like we hold up a shield to protect us. We always want to remember to trust God. We also have the Bible, which is God’s word. We can read it every day, and it will teach us how to go God’s way. God’s way is the best way so you can trust God. Who can trust God? [Bottom Line] I can trust God.”
  • Cuddle Time
    • Cuddle and pray, "Dear God, thank You for giving us armor to stand strong. When we remember that Jesus is our friend forever, it’s like putting on a helmet. When we choose to go Your way, it’s like wearing a breastplate to keep our heart safe. When we trust You, it’s like holding up a shield to protect us. And we have the Bible to teach us how to go Your way. We love You. In Jesus' name, amen."
  • Weekly Activities
  • Parent Cue Blog:"Advice for New Dads (From Your Future Self)" by Dave Adamson


We’d love to connect with you on our social media accounts and see how your experience with your preschoolers is going. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram and then tag us in your photos and posts.
