Welcome to The Preschool Blog

We hope that these following weekly resources will provide an online option for you and your family to stay consistent.  These resources are what your preschoolers experience on a weekly basis, so we are excited for you as parents to take part with your child!

4.9.23- EASTER
Apr 7 12:12 PM

4.9.23- EASTER

Apr 7 12:12 PM
Apr 7 12:12 PM


“I am alive for ever and ever!” Revelation 1:18, NIV

Bottom Line: Jesus is alive.

This week: Some people hurt Jesus so badly that He died, but on the third day, Jesus comes back, just like He said He would.Matthew 26:20-50; 27:1-2; 28:1-7; John 13:33; 14:1-3, 28

Insight: TRUTH

Discipleship Kit:

  • Parent Guide – Use this parent guide to help you walk through discipling your preschooler this week
  • Story Video – Each week there will be a new Story Video to watch (from Orange Media)
  • Memory Verse Video –  Your preschooler will learn this month’s memory verse along with hand signals


  • Home Connection
    • NEED: Activity Pages, crayons, brads, scissors, and a permanent marker.
    • DO: Encourage children to color their pictures. Help put the two papers together and secure them with a brad. Demonstrate how to turn the paper to review the story.
    • Say: "You have two pieces of paper. One will be the front and the other is the back. What do you see on this first piece of paper? (Pause.) It’s a picture of the tomb, and there’s an opening. Let’s use brown or gray crayons to color the tomb. (Pause.) Now that you’ve got the front completed, let’s move to the piece of paper for the back. Color each of these pictures. There’s the stone that was rolled in front of the tomb, the empty tomb, and a heart. (Pause.) Let me help you put it together, and I’ll show you how to use it to review our Bible story. (Demonstrate.) As we review our story, I want you to turn it to the right picture. The true story of Easter begins with God’s love for us. Turn to the picture of the heart. God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus. Jesus came to be our friend forever. But first, something sad had to happen. Jesus was having dinner with His friends when He told them that He would have to go away, but He promised He would come back.” Jesus went to pray in a garden, and some angry people came and took Jesus away. They hurt Jesus, and He died. It was very sad. Jesus’ friends put His body in a tomb, then they rolled a big stone in front of it. Turn to the picture of the big stone. (Pause.) Then on the third day, when some of Jesus’ friends went to the tomb, they saw that the stone had been rolled away and Jesus wasn’t there. Turn to the picture of the open tomb. (Pause.) JESUS came back, just like He said He would! Jesus is alive! Turn to the heart. (Pause.) On Easter, we celebrate because Jesus is alive and He wants to be our friend forever! Who is alive? [Bottom Line] Jesus is alive.”
    • Cuddle with your child and pray: "God, thank You that Jesus is alive, and that, because of Him, we can be with You forever and ever."
  • Weekly Activities
  • Parent Cue Blog:"The Secret Ingredient For Having a Close Relationship With Your Kid" by Ted Lowe


We’d love to connect with you on our social media accounts and see how your experience with your preschoolers is going. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram and then tag us in your photos and posts.
