Welcome to The Preschool Blog

We hope that these following weekly resources will provide an online option for you and your family to stay consistent.  These resources are what your preschoolers experience on a weekly basis, so we are excited for you as parents to take part with your child!

Aug 7 5:51 PM


Aug 7 5:51 PM
Aug 7 5:51 PM


"I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” –Psalm 139:14, NIV

Bottom Line: God made me.

This week: People are so important to God, He even knows how many hairs are on each of their heads. Luke 12:7

Core Insight: IMAGE


Discipleship Kit:

  • Parent Guide – Use this parent guide to help you walk through discipling your preschooler this week
  • Story Video – Each week there will be a new Story Video to watch (from Orange Media)
  • Memory Verse Song –  Your preschooler will learn this month’s memory verse along with hand signals


  • Home Connection
    • NEED: Activity Page, crayons or markers
    • DO:Copy the Activity Page and writ your child’s name in the center of the heart.
    • SAY:“Today, we learned how you are so very special to God that He knows the number of hairs on your head! God made you and you are important to Him. What do you see on your paper? (Pause.) It’s a heart. In the heart is your name! Fill in the heart with your marker. (Pause.) Great job! God made [child’s name]. You are important to God. You are SO important, so very special to God, that He knows how many hairs are on your head. God made you, and He loves you SO much that even the number of hairs on your head matter to Him. I’m so glad that [Bottom Line] God made you.” 
  • Drive Time
    • As you drive or take a walk, challenge your child to try and count the number of hairs on their head. When they give up or give you a random number, say, “Guess what! God knows exactly how many hairs are on your head! One, God knows everything. And two, you are SO important to God that He even thinks about how many hairs are on your head. I think that is pretty amazing!”
  • Weekly Activities
  • Parent Cue Blog: "Normal is Creativity's Nemesis" by Carey Nieuwhof



We’d love to connect with you on our social media accounts and see how your experience with your preschoolers is going. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram and then tag us in your photos and posts.
