Welcome to The Preschool Blog

We hope that these following weekly resources will provide an online option for you and your family to stay consistent.  These resources are what your preschoolers experience on a weekly basis, so we are excited for you as parents to take part with your child!

6.6.21- Greatest Verse Ever
Jun 4 5:31 PM

6.6.21- Greatest Verse Ever

Jun 4 5:31 PM
Jun 4 5:31 PM

This week: We can trust God because He loves us so much He gave us His Son, Jesus, to be our friend forever. John 3:16

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May 28 5:23 PM


May 28 5:23 PM
May 28 5:23 PM

This week: Gideon trusts that God's way is perfect, even though it does not make sense at the time. Judges 7:1-8

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5.23.21- JOSIAH
May 21 5:43 PM

5.23.21- JOSIAH

May 21 5:43 PM
May 21 5:43 PM

This week: King Josiah tells others to go God's way, even though he is young. 2 Chronicles 34

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5.16.21- NAAMAN
May 14 5:57 PM

5.16.21- NAAMAN

May 14 5:57 PM
May 14 5:57 PM

This week: Naaman chooses to go God's way and dip in the river, even though it is hard to do. 2 Kings 5:1-14

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5.9.21- JONAH
May 7 5:07 PM

5.9.21- JONAH

May 7 5:07 PM
May 7 5:07 PM

This week: Jonah learns the hard way that he should go God's way when he is swallowed by a huge fish. Jonah 1:1-3:10

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May 5 12:05 PM


May 5 12:05 PM
May 5 12:05 PM

This week: God creates the world and puts Adam and Eve in a garden, but they do not go God's way. Genesis 1:31; 2:8-24

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4.25.21- Great Commission
Apr 23 5:55 PM

4.25.21- Great Commission

Apr 23 5:55 PM
Apr 23 5:55 PM

This week: Jesus told His friends to tell everyone that He loves them and He wants to be their friend forever. Matthew 28:16-20

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4.18.21- Early Church
Apr 16 5:49 PM

4.18.21- Early Church

Apr 16 5:49 PM
Apr 16 5:49 PM

This week: Giving people clothes, food, and a place to stay when they need it are ways we can love like Jesus. Acts 2:42-47

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4.11.21- Breakfast on the Beach
Apr 9 5:00 PM

4.11.21- Breakfast on the Beach

Apr 9 5:00 PM
Apr 9 5:00 PM

This week: "Jesus makes breakfast for His friends, the disciples, so they can see that He is alive.” John 21:1-14

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4.4.21- Easter Sunday
Apr 2 5:25 PM

4.4.21- Easter Sunday

Apr 2 5:25 PM
Apr 2 5:25 PM

This week: “People hurt Jesus so bad that He dies, but on the third day, Jesus comes back, just like He said.” Matthew 26:20-30; 27:45-50; 28:1-7

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